
Album produced by Kitaro

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Hajimari 3:33
Sozo 5.35
Koi 6:30
Orochi 7:07
Nageki 5:45
Matsuri 9:00
Reimei 8:37

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Some Comments

Some of the songs may not appeal to you at first. But the more you listen to them, the more you appreciate the music.

New age music, especially something like this album, which has a story to tell, may require some patience.....kekeke


Starting of some sort of world?? Quite appropriate I think, because you can clearly hear the changes from some "random" sound patterns, to a much more organised theme. The transition from the first song, to the second is nice. It is like, after the process of some tough, exhausting, distressing work and effort, peace is starting to come back.

The dynamic and expressive techniques are cool.

OK, quiet down a bit, but sounds like there is some uncertainty, as the melody at the beginning of this part does not seem to be very pleasant. However it develops to a very sweet theme. Maybe indicating the brilliant production. Then, the theme becomes very determined.

A very nice and beautiful section. A love story going on here? Kitaro is so good in writing bitter sweet music. Really captures you heart.

Sounds more and more "moh noi" (無奈). So, maybe this is not a happy fairy tale love story. More like some impossible love. Water and flower? Land and wind? 落花有意﹐流水無情

It gets quite BROAD and FREELY in the last section. Very Ocean broad, Sky wide neh.

A dramatic song. I did not like it at first, but later, I think the album would not be complete without it.

The melodies and the instruments (especially the drums)used, created a feel of 荊棘遍地﹐四面楚歌 .

Obstacles, challenges, sigh.........The lead guitar always bring up this scenario, just like Beyond's songs.

Sigh........Aaaaiiiiiiii.......Life is painful. 事與願違﹐無可奈何﹐唉 ......

The wind-blowing sound at the start, sounds like 今天我﹐寒夜裡看雪飄過 .

The violin, and the blown instrument (possibly skakuhachi), work well together to make listeners drop tears.

hmm, sounds like a love story with a very sad ending. Or, a distressing ending of a war. 大戰過後﹐一片蕭索﹖

This is like a gathering occasion...Party?? Maybe celebrating the victory of war.

The men's "hoo, hah, hoo, hah" shouts are like performances during the party.

I can sort of visualise how a group of topless men are playing animal-skin drums, with a piece of fabric tied accross the forehead, hehehe.

As usual: brightness comes after dawn. Nonetheless the music is excellent.

I love the vocals and the tabular bells. A "very determined" feel.

This song is very "Kitaro". Consider "Kokoro", the ending song of his other album "Mandala". The style and elements are very similar.

But it is nice. Using the sound of ocean to end a story is always perfect.


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